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This is an extract of taxdump-readme.txt to be found at The content of the archive -------------------------- It may look like this: delnodes.dmp division.dmp gencode.dmp merged.dmp names.dmp nodes.dmp readme.txt The readme.txt file gives a brief description of *.dmp files. These files contain taxonomic information and are briefly described below. Each of the files store one record in the single line that are delimited by "\t|\n" (tab, vertical bar, and newline) characters. Each record consists of one or more fields delimited by "\t|\t" (tab, vertical bar, and tab) characters. The brief description of field position and meaning for each file follows. nodes.dmp --------- This file represents taxonomy nodes. The description for each node includes the following fields: tax_id -- node id in GenBank taxonomy database parent tax_id -- parent node id in GenBank taxonomy database rank -- rank of this node (superkingdom, kingdom, ...) embl code -- locus-name prefix; not unique division id -- see division.dmp file inherited div flag (1 or 0) -- 1 if node inherits division from parent genetic code id -- see gencode.dmp file inherited GC flag (1 or 0) -- 1 if node inherits genetic code from parent mitochondrial genetic code id -- see gencode.dmp file inherited MGC flag (1 or 0) -- 1 if node inherits mitochondrial gencode from parent GenBank hidden flag (1 or 0) -- 1 if name is suppressed in GenBank entry lineage hidden subtree root flag (1 or 0) -- 1 if this subtree has no sequence data yet comments -- free-text comments and citations names.dmp --------- Taxonomy names file has these fields: tax_id -- the id of node associated with this name name_txt -- name itself unique name -- the unique variant of this name if name not unique name class -- (synonym, common name, ...) division.dmp ------------ Divisions file has these fields: division id -- taxonomy database division id division cde -- GenBank division code (three characters) division name -- e.g. BCT, PLN, VRT, MAM, PRI... comments gencode.dmp ----------- Genetic codes file: genetic code id -- GenBank genetic code id abbreviation -- genetic code name abbreviation name -- genetic code name cde -- translation table for this genetic code starts -- start codons for this genetic code delnodes.dmp ------------ Deleted nodes (nodes that existed but were deleted) file field: tax_id -- deleted node id merged.dmp ---------- Merged nodes file fields: old_tax_id -- id of nodes which has been merged new_tax_id -- id of nodes which is result of merging