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The possibility of an interview for a bioinformatics position in the life sciences may be very disquieting, but the same concerns emerge time and again in my experience. So, it is exceedingly worthwhile to plan for future bioinformatics interview questions. Doing this will really give you the advantage in obtaining the position.
The following 5 questions are those that I have heard many times during the job-search process. There is no reason for not planning responses in such situations.
1. Tell Us About Yourself
This is a very typical opener in interviews. It's a perfect question to ask, and getting something planned will really help you concentrate and ease in the conversation. However, you need to make sure that your response is applicable to the job you're interviewing.
It's probably better to keep your answer professional. Try to include these in the answer as well: where did your love of science and bioinformatics come from? How the heck did you end up in this field? Why programming and scripting ?
2. What is your plan for your bioinformatics career? / How do you look at yourself in five years? / How are your personal objectives to accomplish these goals / What are the plan for your research fundings ?
Your CV/resume has already impressed the selection panel if you have been invited for an interview. The questions from the bioinformatics interview team provide an incentive for you to market yourself and illustrate the work in question with the most appropriate knowledge.
3. What do you understand about the job description/What would your suggested research path be if you were a successful candidate?
Summarize the specifics of the advertised bioinformatics position in your own words. Follow on with some suggestions of how you want to extend your research and create your own projects within the community.
4. Will you work as a group or do you want to work on your own?
This requirement can vary from jobs to job, so when addressing, be alert. A company/research PI may need a bioinformatician that is able to work on a single project autonomously, or they may need a person who can help direct and organize a team. In your response, refer to the job description.
5. What particular methods have you used to date with your experiments?
You might have experience with all the laboratory techniques described in the job description, but stress the ones you highly experienced with. Highlight your professional abilities and stress that you are extremely capable of mastering new techniques with others ...
At the end of the day, remember that you're questioning the jury as well as they're interviewing you. You will ought to think of any questions you would like the interview panel to pose. This indicates that you have done your homework and serious about the position.
All the best for your future job interview.