Bioinformatics Protocols


Basic Galaxy Tutorial

In this tutorial we cover the concepts of RNA-Seq differential gene expression (DGE) analysis using a very small synthetic dataset from a well studied organism.

Advanced Galaxy Tutorial

In this tutorial we compare the performance of three statistically-based differential expression tools:
* CuffDiff
* EdgeR
* DESeq2

Advanced Command Line Tutorial

You will need to install R, RStudio and cummeRbund on your PC (explained in the Tutorial). You will learn how to produce graphical output from RNA-Seq analysis previously done using a Cuffdiff analysis.

Variant Detection

Basic Galaxy Tutorial

In this tutorial we cover the concepts of detecting small variants (SNVs and indels) in human genomic DNA using a small set of reads from chromosome 22.

Advanced Galaxy Tutorial

In this tutorial we compare the performance of three statistically-based variant detection tools:
* SAMtools: Mpileup
* GATK: Unified Genotyper
* FreeBayes
Each of these tools takes as its input a BAM file of aligned reads and generates a list of likely variants in VCF format

Pipelines are for those who are comfortable with using the UNIX command line; and often allow more control over branching and iteration logic.

This is a basic variant-calling and annotation pipeline developed at the Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative (VLSCI), University of Melbourne. It is based around BWA, GATK and ENSEMBL and was originally designed for human (or similar) data. The master branch is configured for WGS data; there is an exome branch configured for variant calling in exome data.
To run the pipeline you will need Rubra: Rubra uses the python Ruffus library:


In this protocol we discuss and outline the process of calling familial related mutations.
In this protocol we discuss and outline the process of identifying somatic variants or mutations.


Basic Galaxy Tutorial

In this tutorial we carry out de novo assembly of a microbial genome. We have also written a De novo Genome Assembly for Illumina Data Protocol for a more generic description of the method.


In this protocol we discuss and outline the process of de novo assembly for small to medium sized genomes. Use our Genome assembly tutorial to learn a specific case of using Galaxy to carry out de novo assembly of a microbial genome.

Small RNAs

Basic Galaxy Tutorial

This tutorial covers initial steps of the workflow for analysis of short RNA expression such as a quality control of the raw reads, processing of the raw reads for the subsequent analysis and initial quality assessment of the library.

ChIP Seq


In this protocol we discuss ChIP-Seq: a method to analyze the interaction between proteins and DNA.



In this protocol we discuss and outline the process of aligning custom amplicons using primers for high precision.

Learn Galaxy

Introduction to Galaxy, for those who are very new to Galaxy.

Using Histories and Workflows, for those with some Galaxy knowledge.

The Galaxy project website has many tutorials and screencasts about using Galaxy and the tools, and developing new tools.