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Seal: SEquence ALignment evaluation suite


Seal is a comprehensive sequencing simulation and alignment tool evaluation suite. This software (implemented in Java) provides several utilities that can be used to evaluate alignment algorithms, including:

  • Reading a pre-existing reference genome from one or more FASTA files.
  • Alternatively, generating an artificial reference genome based on input parameters (length, repeat count, repeat length, repeat variability rate).
  • Simulating reads from random locations in the genome based on input parameters of read length, coverage, sequencing error rate, and indel rate.
  • Applying alignment tools to the genome and the reads through a standardized interface.
  • Parsing the output of the alignment tool and calculating the number of reads that were correctly or incorrectly mapped.
  • Computing run times and measures of accuracy.

Seal has interfaces to evaluate the following software packages:

  • Bowtie
  • BWA
  • MAQ
  • mrFAST
  • mrsFAST
  • Novoalign
  • SHRiMP
  • SOAPv2