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Understanding GO analysis

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By Neel 699 days ago

The confusion about gene ontology and gene ontology analysis can start right from the term itself. There are actually two different entities that are commonly referred to as gene ontology or “GO”:

  1. the ontology itself, which is a set of terms with their precise definitions and defined relationships between them, and
  2. the associations between gene products and GO terms, which are used to capture the existing knowledge about what each gene is known to do.

But the term gene ontology, or GO, is commonly used to refer to both, which is sometimes a source of potential confusion. In order to avoid this, here we will use the term “GO ontology” to describe the set of terms and their hierarchical structure and “GO annotations” to describe the set of associations between genes and GO terms.

There are 3 types of terms, or domains if you wish, in the gene ontology:

  • Biological Processes (BP)
  • Molecular Functions (MF)
  • Cellular Components (CC)