My posts on The ResearchLabs

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    Liu Lab

    Category: researchlabs:Bioinformatics
    PI: X. Shirley Liu
    By Jit 1593 days ago
    Shirley is a computational biologist with expertise in cancer epigenetics. Her research focuses on algorithm development and integrative mining from big data generated on microarrays, massively parallel sequencing, and other high throughput...
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    Genome Informatics Section Lab !

    Category: researchlabs:Bioinformatics
    PI: Adam Phillippy, PhD
    By Jit 1603 days ago
    Our section develops and applies computational methods for the analysis of massive genomics datasets, focusing on the challenges of genome sequencing and comparative genomics. We aim to improve such foundational processes and translate emerging...
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    The Rogers Lab

    Category: researchlabs:Bioinformatics
    PI: Rebekah Rogers
    By Jit 1797 days ago
    The Rogers lab studies evolution of genome structure. We explore the ways that complex mutations like duplications, deletions, rearrangements, and retrogenes can create new genetic material. We study how these new mutations are important for...
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    Category: researchlabs:Bioinformatics
    By Jit 2012 days ago
    DNA is quite fragile and easily damaged, both by the normal processes of life at work within our cells and by external agents such as the chemicals in tobacco smoke or ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. However, our cells have evolved clever...
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    Hejnol Group

    Category: researchlabs:Bioinformatics
    PI: Andreas Hejnol
    By Jit 2304 days ago
    The group studies a broad range of animal taxa using morphological and molecular tools to unravel the evolution and development of animal organ systems. To understand the evolution of the biodiversity seen on planet earth is one of the major...