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Liver cancer is third leading cause of deaths and fourth most frequent occuring cancer worldwide. There are multiple signaling pathways responsible for causing cancer amongst which TGFb is most important cytokine whose signaling pathway promote cancer. However, main problem is to cure this cancer at late stage where we still have no treatment strategy to tackle this deadly cancer. Hence we need to find out new therapeutic target. One way is to look the relationships between mRNA, methylation and miRNA data of patients with different pathological conditions (cancer vs control either with inhibitor/not). MiRNA is small RNA molecules known to inhibit mRNA expression of particular gene by binding improperly to 3'UTR region of a gene and hence block binding of TF /translation of gene. CpG regions is known to located at promoter region of gene (5' UTR) and usually hypomethylated which allow to gene to transcribe and translate however sometime this region become hyper-methylated thats prevent expression of host gene. Thus , integration of these three data reveal new targets and pathways important for causing or preventing cancer and also reveal biomarker thats check the effects of inhibitor on signaling pathway underlying liver cancer.