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BioGeek Fun

1. A futuristic computational biology student was told to write "It is in my gene!!!" on the board 100 times as a punishment. here's his response -

use warnings;
for ($count=1; $count <=100; $count++) { print "It is in my gene!!!";}

I guess, he is gonna to be a real biogeek. Nice try though. Smart kid.


2. In some perl script I found this
 . . . . . .
 . . . . . .
# It works for me, only God understood how it is working
while (/(<\/[^>]+>)|(<[^>]+>)|(<[^>]+>)$|([^><]+)/go) {
. . . . . .
 .. . . . . .


3. One more interesting message in Perl found …. It will must tickle you bone :)
open(my $fh, "<", "gene.txt")    or kill " Me if you think this is a mistake :$!";


4. From the Perl

  while () {  # "The Mothership Connection is here!"
    print “$_\n”; # Printing the offspring :)


5. Perl message
if ($1) { print “Just found a the error in chromosome !!!, yahoo…”; else { “That is not error, but mutation you moron!”;


6. One genome database curator walk in wine bar asked the bartender:


  • Bulbul 2920 days ago

    How about this oneliner ;)

    perl -ne 'chomp;if( />(.*)/){$head = $1; $i=0; next};@a=split("",$_); foreach(@a){$i++;if($_ eq "N" && $s ==0 ){print "$head\t$i"; $s =1}elsif($s==1 && $_ ne "N"){print "\t$i\n";$s=0}}' infile.fa
  • Jit 2783 days ago

    perl -e 's&&rob@cowsnet.com.au&&&split/[@.]/&&s&.com.&_&&&print'
