X BOL wishing you a very and Happy New year

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An R package for analysing ontologies and protein domain annotations has been published in PLoS Computational Biology (http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003929. The package is distributed as part of CRAN (http://cran.r-project.org/package=dcGOR, and also at GitHub for version control.

The dedicated website is available in http://supfam.org/dcGOR, from which several demos are also provided:

1. Analysing SCOP domains: http://supfam.org/dcGOR/demo-Fang.html

2. Analysing Pfam domains: http://supfam.org/dcGOR/demo-Basu.html

3. Analysing InterPro domains: http://supfam.org/dcGOR/demo-Customisation.html