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  • SCFBio have developed Sanjeevini

SCFBio have developed Sanjeevini

SCFBio have developed a new android based application for drug design called Sanjeevini (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sanjeevini&hl=en). It is available free of charge. You can download it using Google play store. Just search for "Sanjeevini-SCFBIO-CADD" in Google play store. It contains all modules used by current Sanjeevini users. We have worked towards making a unified and easy to use interface. The app now supports all major small molecule file formats (pdb, mol, sdf, mol2 and xyz). The application contains inbuilt visualizer JSmol for easy analysis of results. Users can now directly download the protein files from PDB ("Get protein PDB file" in `FILE` Menu) and prepare it using the easy to use in-built module "Prepare protein/DNA".

SCFBio have worked towards making the process of Job retrieval more streamlined and user friendly. All jobs are now recorded in the "Job results". It can be accessed using the main page of the application. Job status can now be retrieved by clicking on the refresh button against the job ID.

SCFBio have also added a new feature of accessing Jobs run on different android application. Users can retrieve jobs run by other users by sharing the job ID and module name. This feature can be accessed using the Import Jobs option in File menu. We hope this feature will help collaborating groups stay in touch with each other.

The module contains all modules of Sanjeevini suite of software for structure based Drug design.

Sl No. Module name Activity
1 Prepare Protein/DNA Prepares protein/DNA for other modules of Sanjeevini
2 Prepare ligand Prepares ligands for other modules of Sanjeevini
3 Active site Prediction Predicts biologically relevant sites in a protein
4 ParDOCK Rigid Docking of Protein-Ligand complex
5 BAPPL Binding affinity prediction of Protein-Ligand complex
6 BAPPL Z Binding affinity prediction of Protein-Zinc-Ligand complex
7 DNA ligand Docking Rigid Docking of DNA-Ligand complex
8 PreDDICTA Binding affinity prediction of DNA-Ligand complex
9 SOM Prediction Rigid Docking of Ligand and CYP proteins
10 Lipinski filters Checks Lipinski's rule of five for ligand molecule
11 Molecular volume Calculates volume of a ligand
12 RASPD Virtual screening of protein molecule to yield hit molecules
13 AADS Prediction and docking of top 10 biologically relevant sites on protein
14 Intercalate Rigid Docking of DNA-Ligand complex in intercalation sites
15 DNA sequence to str. Converts DNA sequence to DNA structure (A-DNA or B-DNA)
16 NRDBSM Non-redundant database of small molecules
17 TPACM4 Partial charge calculator for small molecules
18 Wiener index Wiener index calculator for small molecules

The results can be downloaded to the PC desktop for further analysis. For this you can use this accompanying website for this purpose:

On more information on how to use the application please visit: http://scfbio-iitd.res.in/sanjapp/webSearch/doc.html

Please email us your valuable comments and suggestions at iitd.scfbio@gmail.com