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RNA-Seq Data Pathway and Gene-set Analysis Workflows

It describe the GAGE (Luo et al., 2009) /Pahview (Luo and Brouwer, 2013) workflows on RNA-Seq data pathway analysis and gene-set analysis. The gage package (2.12.0) now includes a new tutorial, “RNA-Seq Data Pathway and Gene-set Analysis Workflows“.

First cover a full workflow from preparation, reads counting, data preprocessing, gene set test, to pathway visualization in about 40 lines of codes. The same workflow can be used for GO analysis or other types of gene set analysis too. We also describe joint workflows, i.e. to do gene-level analysis using one of the major RNA-Seq analysis tools, DEseq/DEseq2, edgeR, limma and Cufflinks, and feed the results into GAGE/Pahview for pathway analysis or visualization. All these workflows are implemented in R/Bioconductor.

The work ows cover the most common situations and issues for RNA-Seq data pathway analysis. Issues like data quality assessment are relevant for data analysis in general yet out the scope of this tutorial. Although we focus on RNA-Seq data here, but pathway analysis work ow remains similar for microarray, particularly step 3-4 would be the same. Please check gage and pathview vigenttes for details.

Note: You need to update to current release versions of R(3.0.2)/ Bioconductor(2.13) to use all the features. 


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