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Which are the best statistical programming languages to study for a bioinformatician?

In Bio-informatics based genome sequencing and predicting metabolic pathways research jobs I used Matlab, SAS, SPSS, R and several Bioconductor packages. Matlab had a lot of powerful tools and was easy to use, whereas SPSS is for non-programmers and R need programming skills. I am wondering what other people think is best? or there might not be one specific language but a few that lend themselves best to Bio-informatics work that is math heavy and deals with a large amount of data.


  • Jit 4152 days ago

    R is by far the best known open source statistical programming language for bioinformatician. However, you can not ignore MATLAB Bioinformatics Toolbox.

    I am a big fan of Perl, and love to do all sort of analysis using Perl, therefore I prefer PDL ("Perl Data Language"), which gives standard Perl the ability to compactly store and speedily manipulate the large N-dimensional data arrays which are the bread and butter of scientific computing.

  • Rahul Nayak 4152 days ago

    Who cares which language is the more popular, programming languages are tools, if it does what I need it to do, it's fine by me.

  • Abhimanyu Singh 3988 days ago

    Lisp-Stat is an extensible environment for statistical computing and dynamic graphics based on the Lisp language. XLISP-STAT is a version of Lisp-Stat based on a dialect of Lisp called XLISP.



  • John Parker 3820 days ago

    I like the R language. The following table comparing the statistical capabilities of software packages: http://stanfordphd.com/Statistical_Software.html In stastistical language war, a/c to this metric, R wins






     Nonparametric Tests
























     Linear Regression






     Generalized Least Squares






     Ridge Regression












     Generalized Linear Models






     Mixed Effects Models






     Logistic Regression






     Nonlinear Regression






     Discriminant Analysis






     Nearest Neighbor






     Factor & Principal Components Analysis






     Copula Models












     Bayesian Statistics






     Monte Carlo, Classic Methods






     Markov Chain Monte Carlo






     Bootstrap & Jackknife






     EM Algorithm






     Missing Data Imputation






     Outlier Diagnostics






     Robust Estimation






     Longitudinal (Panel) Data






     Survival Analysis






     Path Analysis






     Propensity Score Matching






     Stratified Samples (Survey Data)






     Experimental Design






     Quality Control






     Reliability Theory






     Univariate Time Series






     Multivariate Time Series






     Markov Chains






     Hidden Markov Models






     Stochastic Volatility Models












     Counting Processes












     Instrumental Variables






     Simultaneous Equations












     Nonparametric Smoothing Methods






     Extreme Value Theory






     Variance Stabilization






     Cluster Analysis






     Neural Networks






     Classification & Regression Trees






     Boosting Classification & Regression Trees






     Random Forests






     Support Vector Machines






     Signal Processing






     Wavelet Analysis






     ROC Curves












  • Neel 3814 days ago

    R Passes SPSS in Scholarly Use, Stata Growing Rapidly http://www.r-bloggers.com/r-passes-spss-in-scholarly-use-stata-growing-rapidly/

  • Jitendra Narayan 3676 days ago

    The recent article on Nature explain it better ... R becoming the most popular language amongst biological researchers http://www.nature.com/news/programming-tools-adventures-with-r-1.16609?