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Category: opportunity:Jobs
Condition: New
By RAJESH DETROJA 3921 days ago

Applications are invited for the temporary post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the ICMR project entitled "Structure-based development of anti-protozoan inhibitors against enzymes involved in cysteine biosynthesis: In- silico drug design against Entamoeba histolytica cysteine biosynthetic enzymes". The project is valid for a period from 2014-2017. Selected candidate will be appointed initially for a period of one year and may be extended based on performance.

Qualifications :
M.Sc/BTech/MTech in Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics and related fields.

The project requirement is in the field of structure determination, docking and simulations so the candidates should have practical experience related to structure prediction, docking, simulations etc (after degree) related to Infectious diseases.

Candidate with NET qualification or with a publication is preferred.

Salary: (As per the norms of the university and funding agency.)

The application (hard copy and by e-mail) on plain paper indicating name , date of birth/age, address, essential / technical / professional qualifications experiences, research work, should reach the undersigned :
Principle Investigator, ( email: sgourinath@mail.jnu.ac.in )
Dr. S. Gourinath
School of Life Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi – 110067

on or before 7th May 2014.
Shortlisted candidates will be called for interview by email.

