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We are looking for independent, motivated, diligent, laborious, dedicated Bioinformaticians as post-doctorate fellows for a project aimed at revealing the mechanisms of cancer-resistance and anti-cancer activity of the hypoxia-tolerant subterranean, blind mole-rat, Spalax along its underground evolutionary adaptations. Our project has captured the interest of the scientific community and we have ample financial support for the studies. Generous fellowships ($30K to $40K according to qualifications and performance) are available, immediately, for Post-Docs experts in bioinformatics with a background of good understanding biological questions. That is that can independently handle raw output data of RNA-seq / miR seq/ Genomic, analyze it and can interpret intelligently the relevant biological background. Outstanding candidates for PhD experienced in Bioinformatics will also be considered. Familiarity with cancer research is an advantage. Experience of writing manuscripts for publication and a publication record in relevant journals are expected. English skills both oral and written are required. American, Western-European or Israeli education is a significant benefit.

Our present objectives is to identify and isolate the substances secreted by Spalax cells, resolve with which components they interact that are active only on cancer cells, in order to unravel the biological mechanisms and pathways that evolved in Spalax cell machinery and ultimately lead to the death of cancer-cells. The study could attest to be a breakthrough in cancer research, using the long lived, hypoxia- and cancer-tolerant Spalax as a significant biological resource for biomedical research that hopefully could open new horizons in treatment and prevention of cancer in humans.

Contact: The applications should be submitted, together with extended CV and bibliography, summary of past accomplishments, and contact information of 3 referees, to Prof of Research Aaron Avivi (aaron@research.haifa.ac.il) AND Dr. Imad Shams (imadshams@gmail.com). (http://bit.ly/1lywShk) aaron@research.haifa.ac.il

More at http://evolution.haifa.ac.il/index.php/29-people/personal-websites/77-personal-site-avivi

Salary Negotiable