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Department of Botany & Bioinformatics Centre

Applications with complete bio-data from candidates possessing the required qualifications are invited for the posts of JRF (2) and Project Assistant (1) in

DBT, GOI-funded research project “Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)- based de novo assembly of expressed transcripts and genome information of Orchids in North-East India” in DBT’s Twinning programme for NE as per DBT sanction order and norms.

(i) JRF(2 nos.):

Qualifications: M.Tech/M.Sc in Life Sciences/ Botany/ Zoology/Biochemistry/ Biotechnology/ Bioinformatics; Desirable: Aptitude for Bioinformatics and Computer Programming/ Next generation sequencing data analysis

(ii) Project Assistant (1 no.):

Qualifications: Graduation in Science, Desirable: Experience of working in a Life Science/Plant Biotechnology lab. and familiarity with computers and field work viz. collection of samples.

The applications through email bicnehu@gmail.com or post must reach the undersigned
within 15 days from the date of publication of this advertisement. The advertised posts are purely temporary for the duration of the project and subject to availability of the funds from DBT. The appointment does not confer any entitlement or right over the posts for absorption in the University service.

Advertisement: www.nehu.ac.in/Advertisements/BICAdvtPV_200115.pdf

Salary Negotiable