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El-Sherif lab studies how genes are regulated to mediate patterning in Development. We use live and super-resolution imaging in addition to computational modeling to understand transcription dynamics at the single-cell level in three model systems: the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, the beetle Tribolium castaneum, and embryonic bodies derived from embryonic mouse stem cells.

In this project, you will use single-molecule techniques to label mRNA and DNA in (live and fixed) Drosophila embryos and fixed embryonic bodies. You will also use super-resolution microscopy to visualize protein condensates. Co-localization dynamics reflecting DNA-protein bindings and DNA looping events will be detected, analyzed, and used to test computational models of gene transcription.

MSc degree (or equivalent) in Biology, Biophysics, or Bioengineering

Experience in one or more of these areas: (1) molecular cloning, (2) imaging, (3) image analysis (using Matlab/Python/Java), (4) microfluidics, and (5) computational modeling.

How to Apply?
Send (1) your CV, (2) summary of research experience, and (3) email addresses of at least 2 references to ezzat.el-sherif@fau.de. Title your email ‘Transcription PhD Position’.

salary Grade.: E13
Total Time: 3 Jahre
Start: 01.01.2020.
End: 31.3.2020.

Dr. El-Sherif, Ezzat
Department Biologie
Professur für Zoologie (Entwicklungsbiologie) (Prof. Dr. Klingler)
Telefon 09131/85-28068, Fax 09131/85-28040, E-Mail: ezzat.el-sherif@fau.de
