X BOL wishing you a very and Happy New year

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https://www.jobvector.de/jobs-stellenangebote/biologie-life-sciences/forschung-entwicklung/phd-student-position-available-granted-by-german-research-council-dfg-128681.html?suid=dca4aca58bf8b8df84a0e48d0d645f5a32f3c66aQualification profile
PhD student candidates should have a degree in a relevant field and be highly motivated scientists. Please send by e-mail your curriculum vitae and contact information of references latest by end of February 2020.

Send application to
How to apply:
Please send your application as a single PDF by E-Mail.

Send application to
Prof. Dr. Said Hashemolhosseini
Institut für Biochemie
Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Fahrstr. 17
91054 Erlangen, Germany
