- maftools - An R package to summarize, analyze and visualize MAF files. Introduction.
With advances in Cancer Genomics, Mutation Annotation Format (MAF) is being widley accepted and used to store variants detected. The Cancer Genome Atlas Project... - BioDownloader is a program for downloading and/or updating files from ftp/http servers. The program has unique features that are specifically designed to deal with bioinformatics data files and servers:
optimized to work with vast amount of data... - The DAGchainer software computes chains of syntenic genes found within complete genome sequences. As input, DAGchainer accepts a list of gene pairs with sequence homology along with their genome coordinates. Using a scoring function which accounts... - SequenceServer lets you rapidly set up a BLAST+ server with an intuitive user interface for use locally or over the web.
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In an attempt to find a good Linux reference for bioinformatician and BOL readers, I was unsuccessful at finding a decent one on the Internet. So, we decided to make a cheat sheet for biological programmers. - This website and accompaning documents are intended as a tool to help researchers dealing with non-model organisms acquire and process transcriptomic high-throughput sequencing data without having to learn extensive bioinformatics skills. It covers...
NGS & Bioinformatics Summit Europe
7th to 8th October 2013
Berlin, Germany
Contact person: Kristen Starkey
We welcome you to join us at GTC’s NGS... - LoRDEC is a program to correct sequencing errors in long reads from 3rd generation sequencing with high error rate, and is especially intended for PacBio reads. It uses a hybrid strategy, meaning that it uses two sets of reads: the reference read...
At TU Dresden, Faculty of Computer Science, the DFG Research Training Group GRK 1907 “Role-based Software Infrastructures for continuous-context-sensitive Systems” offers the positions of 6 PhD Students (E 13 TV-L)
for applicants interested in...