- Glittr is a curated list of bioinformatics training material.All material is:
In a GitHub or GitLab repository
Free to use
Written in markdown or similar
NOTE: This list of courses is selected only based on the above criteria.There...
Raghava's group is known for developing open source software or web servers. Group have developed large number of web-based services.
Find more at - I bet, this website will be your best friend in near future. This helps us to explore the existing open source codes and learn from it.
You can find some useful open source bioinformatics codes for your analysis work. You can use the left bar...
MSc degree in computer science, engineering, genetics or similar field with a strong emphasis on computational... - SEX-DETector is a probabilistic method that relies on RNAseq data from a cross (parents and progeny of each sex) to infer autosomal and sex-linked genes (genes located on the non recombining part of sex chromosomes).
How does SEX-DETector... - Mulan: Multiple-sequence local alignment and visualization for studying function and evolution
Mulan (, a novel method and a network server for comparing multiple draft and finished-quality sequences to identify functional...
Sher-e- Kashmir
University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Jammu
School of Biotechnology
Applications are invited from candidates for the temporary positions on contractual basis for academic arrangement in the School of...
ADVT. NO. PR-28 of 2018
Online applications are invited from eligible & interested candidates for the following Teaching/Non-Teaching posts. Applications must be submitted online from 10.4.2018 to 30.4.2018 through the link available on the...