DbBrowser: Attwood Lab research concerns protein sequence analysis, primarily using the method of protein 'fingerprinting'. DbBrowser: Attwood Lab maintain a diagnostic fingerprint database (PRINTS), one of the founding partner of InterPro. We also...
PhD opportunity at Université de Liège - Belgium
The Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Unit of Université de Liège (Belgium) is looking for a highly motivated master student with programming skills for a PhD thesis project (4 years, fully...
Research in our group focuses on the investigation of the signals involved in gene specification in genomic sequences (promoter elements, splice sites, translation initiation sites, etc…). We are interested both in the mechanism of their recognition...
Complete, accurate replication of the genome is essential for life. All chromosomes in eukaryotic cells must be duplicated and then segregated to daughter cells to ensure genetic integrity and produce the large number of cells that make up a...
Bio-Linux, a fully-featured, powerful, configurable, and easy to maintain bioinformatics workstation built on the Ubuntu operating system, has been upgraded to version 8.0.5 and is now available for download.
Transcription is the process by which the information in DNA is copied into messenger RNA (mRNA) for protein production. Originally created for DNA Interactive ( http://www.dnai.org ). TRANSCRIPT: The Central Dogma of Molecular Biology: "DNA makes...
This tutorial is intended to introduce users quickly to the basics of R, focusing on a few common tasks that biologists need to perform some basic analysis: load a table, plot some graphs, and perform some basic statistics. More...