Are you seeking funding for research or training in a particular area? Check out the following agencies ...
National Science Foundation: For the love of science! Head here when searching for ways to pay for that gargantuan geology or bigtime...
TGS technologies have been used to produce highly accurate de novo assemblies of hundreds of microbial genomes and highly contiguous reconstructions of many dozens of plant and animal genomes, enabling new insights into evolution and sequence... - Easyfig has moved to github, for newer releases of Easyfig please visit our new webpage - Easyfig is a Python application for creating linear comparison figures of multiple genomic loci with an easy-to-use... - Understanding Following table and graphs
Duplication level
kmer profile
per base GC content
per base N content
per base quality
per base sequence content
per sequence GC content
per sequence quality
sequence length distribution
More at... - HGA tool version 1.0 This tool helps to apply the Hierarchical Genome Assembly (HGA) method. The tool will apply: 1. Partitioning a given reads dataset into a given number of partitions. 2. Assembling each partitions using a pre-specified assembler... - Requirements:
velvet (velveth velvetg should be in your PATH)
R (with Sweave)
pdflatex (usually part of TeTeX)
ggplot2 (from R prompt type install.packages("ggplot2","proto","xtable"))
BLAT or BLAST (to generate... - caffMatch is a novel scaffolding tool based on Maximum-Weight Matching able to produce high-quality scaffolds from NGS data (reads and contigs). The tool is written in Python 2.7. It also includes a bash script wrapper that calls aligner in case one... - PEAR is an ultrafast, memory-efficient and highly accurate pair-end read merger. It is fully parallelized and can run with as low as just a few kilobytes of memory.
PEAR evaluates all possible paired-end read overlaps and without requiring the... - If genomes were completely random sequences in a statistical sense, 'overlap-consensus-layout' method would have been enough to assemble large genomes from Sanger reads. In contrast, real genomes often have long repetitive regions, and they are hard...