Ph.D. student in Computational Systems Biology
Location : The Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB) at the University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Deadline for applications : unknown.
Description :
The Luxembourg Centre...
Live Webinar on RNA-Seq Data Analysis
Abstract: Strand NGS supports an extensive workflow for the analysis and visualization of RNA-Seq data. The workflow includes Transcriptome / Genome alignment, Differential expression analysis with Statistical...
fragment size: the Illumina WGS protocol generates paired-end reads from both ends of longer fragments. The lengths of these fragments are assumed to be sampled from a normal distribution. Therefore, in the absence of structural variants,...
The Bioinformatics group at Boku University has two main areas of interest, underpinning a common goal, the study of complex systems in living organisms. To overcome the engineered redundancies and combinatorial effects prevalent in higher... - Bioinformatics require some match skills, therefore I decided to provide this wonderful math eBooks links to the BOL community.
Please add ur links/bookmarks in comment section. - HALC, a high throughput algorithm for long read error correction. HALC aligns the long reads to short read contigs from the same species with a relatively low identity requirement so that a long read region can be aligned to at least one contig... - The genome sequencing revolution is approaching a landmark figure of 1000 completely sequenced genomes. Coupled with fast-declining, per-base sequencing costs, this influx of DNA sequence data has encouraged laboratory scientists to engage large... - An interactive data analysis tool for selection, aggregation and visualization of metagenomic data is presented. Functional analysis with a SEED hierarchy and pathway diagram based on KEGG orthology based upon MG-RAST annotation results is...