NEW DELHI 110012
Applications are invited for the posts of one Junior Research Fellow in the DBT funded project entitled “Plant parasitic nematode genome informatics - insilico...
github.com - Welcome to the D3 gallery! More examples are available on bl.ocks.org/mbostock. If you want to share an example and don't have your own hosting, consider using Gist and bl.ocks.org. If you want to share or view live examples...
We seek an enthusiastic postdoctoral researcher to work with the Plant Science team within the Biochemical Spatio-temporal NeTwork Resource (BioSNTR). Bio-SNTR
is a state-funded virtual research center aimed at promoting imaging and informatics...
osprey.thebiogrid.org - Osprey is a software platform for the visualization of complex biological interaction networks. Osprey builds data-rich graphical representations from Gene Ontology (GO) annotated interaction data maintained by the BioGRID.
Osprey is...
In our day to day research activity, we need to securely copy our data from several to local computer and visa-versa. I am jotting down some of the commonly used SCP command for your future help. Hope you all will like it
What is Secure Copy?scp...
The study of biological pathways is a key to understand the different processes inside a cell: proteins exert their function not in isolation but in a tightly controlled network of interactions and reactions. Activation of a pathway typically leads...
Applications are invited for a post of Research Associate (RA) or Senior Research Fellow (SRF) in the ICMR project on "Integrated Analysis of Multi-omics Data in Human Gliomas".
We are looking for a motivated candidate for handling proteomic...
harvest.readthedocs.io - Harvest is a suite of core-genome alignment and visualization tools for quickly analyzing thousands of intraspecific microbial genomes, including variant calls, recombination detection, and phylogenetic trees.
Parsnp - Core-genome...
Applications are invited from suitable candidates for filling up the purely temporary position of one Senior Research Fellow in DST’s Indo-Australian Joint project (with ICRISAT) entitled “Genomic Approach for Stress Tolerant Chickpea” under the...
Network analysis is any structured technique used to mathematically analyze a circuit (a “network” of interconnected components). The Network analysis provides the ability to quantify associations between individuals, which...