Karnal -132001 (Haryana)
A walk-in-Interview is proposed to be held at National Bureau of Animal Genetic Resources, Karnal (Haryana)-132001 at 10:30 AM on 05.09.2016 for the selection of Three...
Advt. No. AUMLR/BIF/ RA /6-2016
Research Assistant Job Position in Andhra University on temporary basis
No. of Post : 01
Eligibility : Applicants who have completed their Post Graduate degree in Bioinformatics.
Desirable : Undergone...
userweb.eng.gla.ac.uk - The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce students to the frequently used tools for NGS analysis as well as giving experience in writing one-liners. Copy the required files to your current directory, change directory (cd) to the linuxTutorial...
broadinstitute.github.io - Decoding SAM flags
This utility makes it easy to identify what are the properties of a read based on its SAM flag value, or conversely, to find what the SAM Flag value would be for a given combination of properties.
To decode a given SAM flag...
http://kaiju.binf.ku.dk/ - Kaiju is a program for the taxonomic classification of metagenomic high-throughput sequencing reads. Each read is directly assigned to a taxon within the NCBI taxonomy by comparing it to a reference database containing microbial and viral protein...
Applications are invited for:
Biotechnology research positions
Projects include:
a) protein structure determination
b) malaria parasite biology
c) genomics and metagenomics
d) molecular and cellular biology
compbio.cs.toronto.edu - Scarpa is a stand-alone scaffolding tool for NGS data. It can be used together with virtually any genome assembler and any NGS read mapper that supports SAM format. Other features include support for multiple libraries and an option to estimate...
CDAC Pune Recruitment 2016 – Apply Online for Technical Positions: Department of Information Technology under the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India, Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Pune...