Research. Research in the lab focuses on mathematical, statistical, and computational problems in evolutionary biology and human genetics. Long-term interests of the lab include topics such as:
Human genetic variation
Inference of human...
Solved with perl
#Find the most frequent k-mers in a string.#Given: A DNA string Text and an integer k.#Return: All most frequent k-mers in Text (in any order).use strict;use warnings;my...
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Integrated solutions * CLCbio Genomics Workbench - de novo and reference assembly of Sanger, Roche FLX, Illumina, Helicos, and SOLiD data. Commercial next-gen-seq software that extends the CLCbio Main Workbench software. Includes SNP detection,...
Raphael Lab research is focused on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
Current research interests include next-generation DNA sequencing, structural variation, genome rearrangements in cancer and evolution, and network analysis of somatic...
This research group works on problems from the fields of Bioinformatics, Biotechnology, Data Mining, and Information Retrieval. The group's research projects includes Comparative Genomics of Bacterial genomes, Metagenomics, Genomic databases,...
Tezpur University: Napaam – 784 028:
Assam Applications are invited for Walk-in-Interview for the following temporary positions in the MHRD sponsored Centre of Excellence under FAST project entitled “Machine Learning Research and Big Data...
Dept of Biochemistry
North-Eastern Hill University
Umshing, Shillong- 793 022
Applications are invited for the post of Senior Research Fellow- SRF (one) and Junior Research Fellow- JRF (one) to be appointed in a SERB-funded major research... - InsideDNA makes hundreds of bioinformatics tools immediately available to run via an easy-to-use web interface and allows an accurate search across all functions, tools and pipelines.
With InsideDNA, you can upload and store your own...