Biostats materials ... Biostatistics is an innovative field that involves the design, analysis, and interpretation of data for studies in public health and medicine. Biostatistics experts arrive at conclusions about disease and health risks by evaluating and applying mathematical and statistical formulas to the factors that impact health. - Key Topics Covered in the Report:
The market size of the Indian Bioinformatics Industry , FY’2007-FY’2013
Market segmentation of India bioinformatics industry by application by sectors, FY’2007-FY’2013
Bioinformatics relevant research topics are:
genomic scale studies
endogenous mechanisms of mutations, germ line and somatic
computational aspects of immunology in cancer
signalling networks
three-dimensional organization of information in...
Pharmacogenomics are the most promising area of research. Here is the list of some Pharmacogenomics companies worldwide. Feel free to add more pharmacogenomics companies if not mentioned in here.
Great Pharmacogenomics companies
Research Topics:
High Throughput Sequencing Analysis
Comparative Genomics
Identification and Annotation of Non-coding RNAs
Bioinformatic Analysis and System Biology of Viruses
Coevolution of Proteins and RNAs
Center for Integrative Genomics, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Two postdoctoral positions (2 years with possible extensions up to 5 years) are available immediately in the... - In recent years, computational biology and medical informatics have seen significant advances driven by computational techniques in bioinformatics making bioinformatics and computational biology among the most vibrant research areas. The 7th...