The Molecular Basis of Vertebrate Evolution. Naturally occurring species show spectacular differences in morphology, physiology, behavior, disease susceptibility, and life span. Although the genomes of many organisms have now been completely... - LoRMA is a tool for correcting sequencing errors in long reads such those produced by Pacific Biosciences sequencing machines.
L. Salmela, R. Walve, E. Rivals, and E. Ukkonen: Accurate selfcorrection of errors in long reads using de... - statistical analysis and visulization of functional profiles for genes and gene clustersBioconductor version: Release (3.3)This package implements methods to analyze and visualize functional profiles (GO and KEGG) of gene and gene clusters.Author:...
Linux Commands Cheat Sheet File System ls — list items in current directory ls -l — list items in current directory and show in long format to see perimissions, size, an modification... - In machine learning, computers apply statistical learning techniques to automatically identify patterns in data. These techniques can be used to make highly accurate predictions.
Keep scrolling. Using a data set about homes, we will...
Research Associate (Computer Sciences) recruitment in National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
Project: Indo-UK Centre for improvement of Nitrogen use efficiency in wheat Dr. Soma S. Marla, Pr. Scientist (Bioinformatics), Division of Genomic...
Advertisement for position of “JRF (Junior Research Fellow)” on DST research project “Molecular modeling and docking studies on Deguelin and its derivatives with cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and anti-angiogenesis pathway proteins in cancer cell... - Unicycler is an assembly pipeline for bacterial genomes. It can assemble Illumina-only read sets where it functions as a SPAdes-optimiser. It can also assembly long-read-only sets (PacBio or Nanopore) where it runs...
Research Associate Bioinformatics recruitment in ICGEB, New Delhi
Project :“Genetic Transformation and Development of Elite Transgenic Maize (Zea mays L.) for Biotic and Abiotic Stresses Tolerance”.
Qualification: Ph.D. degree...