www.bx.psu.edu - Laj is a tool for viewing and manipulating the output from pairwise alignment programs such as blastz. It can display interactive dotplot, pip, and text representations of the alignments, a diagram showing the locations of exons and repeats, and...
Applications are invited for:
Junior Research Fellow, in a DBT funded project, is available in Translational Health Group, ICGEB, New Delhi
Education: M.Sc. (preferably in Biotechnology, Life Sciences or...
github.com - SequenceServer lets you rapidly set up a BLAST+ server with an intuitive user interface for use locally or over the web.
More at http://sequenceserver.com.
github.com - TMAP - torrent mapping alignment program General Notes
TMAP is a fast and accurate alignment software for short and long nucleotide sequences produced by next-generation sequencing technologies.
The latest TMAP is unsupported. To use a...
compbio.mit.edu - ChromHMM is software for learning and characterizing chromatin states. ChromHMM can integrate multiple chromatin datasets such as ChIP-seq data of various histone modifications to discover de novo the major re-occuring combinatorial and spatial...
amp.pharm.mssm.edu - Enrichment analysis is a popular method for analyzing gene sets generated by genome-wide experiments. Here we present a significant update to one of the tools in this domain called Enrichr. Enrichr currently contains a large collection of diverse...
sourceforge.net - Meraculous is a whole genome assembler for Next Generation Sequencing data geared for large genomes. It is a hybrid k-mer/read-based assembler that capitalizes on the high accuracy of Illumina sequence by eschewing an explicit error correction step...
github.com - Flye is a de novo assembler for long and noisy reads, such as those produced by PacBio and Oxford Nanopore Technologies. The algorithm uses an A-Bruijn graph to find the overlaps between reads and does not require them to be error-corrected. After...
PhD positions in Genova at DIBRIS - Univ. of Genoa (Italy)
The call for some funded positions for the 3 years PhD studies at the Department of Informatics, Bioengineering,...