Evolutionary Dynamics and Population Genetics
Natural selection and other evolutionary forces lead to particular patterns of evolutionary dynamics, and they leave characteristic signatures on the genetic variation within populations. We use a...
sc932.github.io - Assembly Likelihood Evaluation (ALE) framework that overcomes these limitations, systematically evaluating the accuracy of an assembly in a reference-independent manner using rigorous statistical methods. This framework is comprehensive, and...
www.broadinstitute.org - As the number of sequence and annotated genomes grows larger, the need to understand, compare, and contrast the data becomes increasingly important. Using the power of the human visual system to detect trends and spot outliers is necessary in such...
Bioinformatics National Certification (BINC) Examination 2016
Department of Biotechnology, Government of India, New Delhi & Pondicherry University, Puducherry
Starting of online submission of application : April 13, 2016
Last date for...
wiki.fysik.dtu.dk - SLURM workload manager software, a free open-source workload manager designed specifically to satisfy the demanding needs of high performance computing.
This page is a HOWTO guide for setting up a SLURM installation, currently focused on a CentOS 7...
Sustainable agriculture is at the core of Monsanto. We develop technologies that enable farmers to produce more crops while conserving natural resources. Monsanto scientists are conducting research and development (R&D) to revolutionize plant...
What are genomic interspersed repeats?
In the mid 1960's scientists discovered that many genomes contain stretches of highly repetitive DNA sequences ( see Reassociation Kinetics Experiments, and C-Value Paradox ). These sequences were later...
http://www.cytoscape.org/ - Cytoscape is an open source software platform for visualizing complex networks and integrating these with any type of attribute data. A lot of Apps are available for various kinds of problem domains, including bioinformatics, social network...