www.darwintreeoflife.org - The specimens were collected by the Oxford Wytham Woods and Edinburgh Lohse lab teams. DNA extraction and sequencing was carried out by the Sanger Institute Scientific Operations teams. Assemblies were carried out by the Tree of Life team (Shane...
The purpose of this cheat sheet is to introduce biologist and bioinformatician to the frequently used tools for NGS analysis as well as giving experience in writing one-liners.
File System ls — list items in current directory ls...
Reference-free prediction of rearrangement breakpoint reads | Bioinformatics | Oxford Academic
https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article/30/18/2559/2475628 Reference-free SNP detection: dealing with the data...
support.10xgenomics.com - Supernova generates phased, whole-genome de novo assemblies from a Chromium-prepared library.
Please see Achieving Success with De Novo Assembly and System Requirements before creating your Chromium libraries for...
These are some of the most famous Interview Puzzles being asked in top tech companies.Here is a list of Top 25 puzzles which have been asked in top Tech Interview.
2 Eggs and 100 Floor Classic Puzzle
Five pirates and gold coin Puzzle
The following vacancies are available in the DBT Apex Biotechnology Information project at ICGEB, New Delhi, India. These positions are available for a period of approx. two years, however, initial appointment offer will be for 6 months, which will...
SPAdes—St. Petersburg genome Assembler—was originally developed for de novo assembly of genome sequencing data produced for cultivated microbial isolates and for single-cell genomic DNA sequencing. With time, the functionality of SPAdes...
github.com - ContigExtender, was developed to extend contigs, complementing de novo assembly. ContigExtender employs a novel recursive Overlap Layout Candidates (r-OLC) strategy that explores multiple extending paths to achieve longer and highly accurate...