- genoPlotR is a R package to produce reproducible, publication-grade graphics of gene and genome maps. It allows the user to read from usual format such as protein table files and blast results, as well as home-made tabular files.
Linear... - Genome sequencing remains an inexact science, and genome sequences can contain significant errors if they are not carefully examined. Hawkeye is our new visual analytics tool for genome assemblies, designed to aid in identifying and correcting...
Applications are invited for the following post of Junior Research Fellow (temporary position coterminous with the project) under DBT funded research project on ““Understanding the functions of α1β1γ1/α2β1γ1 selective AMPK Modulators in dissecting... - LTR_retriever is a command line program (in Perl) for accurate identification of LTR retrotransposons (LTR-RTs) from outputs of LTRharvest, LTR_FINDER, and/or MGEScan-LTR and generating non-redundant LTR-RT library for genome annotations.
By... - The GMASS score is a novel measure for representing structural similarity between two assemblies. It will contribute to the understanding of assembly output and developing de novo...
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Faculty Positions
The Central University of Punjab (CUP), Bathinda will be having the Schools and Departments as given in Table-I. The University invites applications from eligible candidates for the posts of...
Eager to get JRF job in Puducherry? Pondicherry University, School of Life Sciences, Centre for Bioinformatics has issued notification to fill the vacancy of JRF for DST sponsored research project entitled "Design and discovery of aurora kinase...
No. DCB/DBT-BIF/229 /14-15 07-11-2014
Applications are invited for the AiCADD fellowship (MHRD, Govt. of India) of University of Kerala.
The terms and...
Applications are invited for the post of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) to work on SERB, DST funded project entitled “Genome wide analysis of ascorbate oxidase multi-gene family and elucidating its role in negative regulation of stress response in...