Animation of the mechanism of an influenza virus and how Crucell's antibodies target the HA1 proteins on the virus and prevent further spread of influenza.
Client: Crucell
Direction, Design & Animation: Daniel Lim, 2Preform
Music & Sound Design:... - ConPADE (Contig Ploidy and Allele Dosage Estimation), a probabilistic method that estimates the ploidy of any given contig/scaffold based on its allele proportions. In the process, they report findings regarding errors in sequencing. The method can...
View more AMAZING medical animations at
To download FREE medical animations of pregnancy and birth, visit This 3D medical animation shows human fertilization, also known as... - PBJelly - the genome upgrading tool. PBHoney - the structural variation discovery tool Both are contained within the PBSuite code found in downloads.----- PBJelly -----Read The...
The right drug, at the right dose, for the right patient. Mayo Clinic uses the latest technologies to understand how drugs will work in individual patients, maximizing drug efficacy and minimizing the potential for side effects. - MyCC, an automated binning tool that combines genomic signatures, marker genes and optional contig coverages within one or multiple samples, in order to visualize the metagenomes and to identify the reconstructed genomic fragments.
The example used is the HIV Lentivirus. This video does a great job describing "complex" retrovirus transcription in a visually appealing way that is sufficient in detail for upper level coursework and possibly graduate coursework.
* Modes of... - Prokka is a software tool for the rapid annotation of prokaryotic genomes. A typical 4 Mbp genome can be fully annotated in less than 10 minutes on a quad-core computer, and scales well to 32 core SMP systems. It produces GFF3, GBK and SQN files...
3D animation can bring scientific hypotheses to life. Molecular biologist (and TED Fellow) Janet Iwasa introduces a new open-source animation software designed just for scientists.
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and... - COCACOLA is a general framework that combines different types of information: sequence COmposition, CoverAge across multiple samples, CO-alignment to reference genomes and paired-end reads LinkAge to automatically bin contigs into OTUs. Furthermore,...