Biologists estimate that there are about 5 to 100 million species of organisms living on Earth today. Evidence from morphological, biochemical, and gene sequence data suggests that all organisms on Earth are genetically related, and the genealogical...
006 - Phylogenetics
Paul Andersen discusses the specifics of phylogenetics. The evolutionary relationships of organisms are discovered through both morphological and molecular data. A specific type of phylogenetic tree, the cladogram, is also...
In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in...
The focus of the bioinformatics group is to use computational approaches to gain an insight into genome evolution in primates.
Kelso Group
Department of...
ICRISAT is a non-profit, non-political organization that conducts agricultural research for development in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa with a wide array of partners throughout the world. ICRISAT and its partners help empower those living in the... - TeachEnG (pronounced “teaching”), a Teaching Engine for Genomics, provides educational games to help students and researchers understand key bioinformatics concepts. The current version includes interactive modules for sequence alignment...
This is a fixed term post for 24 months.
We wish to recruit a highly motivated, postdoctoral scientist to carry out a BBSRC funded project in the laboratory of Dr. Denis Larkin. The project is focused on developing and applying new methods and...
Applications are invited for the position of Project Assistant in Bio-IT centre at IBAB, Electronic city, Bengaluru. The successful candidate will work in the next-generation sequencing (NGS) facility to perform nucleic acid isolations, quality and...