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Computational Structural Biology Lab IITKGP

Category: researchlabs:Computational Biology
By NITHIN C 3780 days ago

The major areas of research:

Molecular recognition: Protein-protein, Protein-Nucleic acid and Protein-ligand interactions.
Studies on multi-component protein assemblies and protein interactions network.
Evolutionary study of protein structures, functions, and protein-protein interactions.
Development of protein-protein, protein-RNA docking algorithm and prediction of binding site.
Development of protein-protein and protein-nucleic acids interaction database server and bioinformatics web service.
Understanding protein and RNA folding phenomenon and development of computational method for structure prediction.
Dynamics of protein-RNA interactions and prediction of RNA binding site in proteins.
Study of miRNAs and development of algorithms for miRNA and traget prediction.

Homepage: http://www.facweb.iitkgp.ernet.in/~rbahadur/prince/home.html?home
Alternate : http://www.csb.iitkgp.ernet.in/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/csb.iitkgp

PI Dr. Ranjit Prasad Bahadur