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Laboratory of Statistics and Computational tools for Bioinformatics

The Laboratory of Statistics and Computational tools for Bioinformatics (BioinfoLab) is hosted at the Istituto per le Applicazioni del Calcolo "Mauro Picone" - CNR . The laboratory has been officially opened in 2012 with the support of Programma Operativo Nazionale "Ricerca e Competitività" 2007-2013 (PON "R&C"), and it incorporates several expertise and research activities started since 2007, and supported by several CNR projects. Main interest of BioinfoLab is to develop novel statistical methods and computational tools for the analysis of high dimensional data arising from "Multi-omics" applications. In particular, current activities involve the analysis of ChIP-seq and RNA-seq experiments.

More at http://bioinfo.na.iac.cnr.it/BioinfoLab/index.html

PI Claudia Angelini