Results for "Exploring Gene Networks"


  • R and Bioconductor

    R and Bioconductor

    R is a free software programming language and a software environment for statistica...urce and open development. This group have been created to make an interative networks of statistical programmer.

    3995 days ago

  • BOL Virtual Research Group

    BOL Virtual Research Group

    Our research interest falls in the broad field of bioinformatics and, more specifically into Computational S...s CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridization) microarrays Computational genetics Candidate gene pri...

    3987 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Algorithms

    Bioinformatics Algorithms

    This group is being designed to cover some of the common algorithms underlying the following fundament...assembling genomes, comparing DNA and protein sequences, predicting genes, finding regulatory motifs, analyzing gene exp...

    3946 days ago