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  • BOL Virtual Research Group

BOL Virtual Research Group

BOL Virtual Research Group

Owner: Jitendra Narayan

Group members: 9


Our research interest falls in the broad field of bioinformatics and, more specifically into Computational Systems and Biomedicine.  We apply computational methods towards understanding and modulation of developmental and pathological processes relevant to human health. We collaborate with multiple teams around the world, in particular with the competative research labs. Technical topics of interest are

  • Analysis of microarray data
    • Compendia of microarrays
    • CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridization) microarrays
  • Computational genetics
    • Candidate gene prioritization by genomic data fusion
    • Functional association from array CGH data
  • Probabilistic graphical models
    • Gibbs sampling for motif finding
    • Biclustering algorithms
  • Genome Assembly
    • Developement of new algorithms to speed up the assembly procedure
    • Comparative genomics approaches in genome assembly.
  • Evolutionary Genomics
    • Evolutions and their impact on genomes
    • EvolveG
    • EBAnalyser
  • Biological Software Developement
  • Biological Database Developement
    • MigraineDB
    • AntioxDB
  • Molecular Modelling and Docking Studies

Note: This BOL research group is a virtual bioinformatics resarch group. If you are interesested to join this group as a researcher, advisor, supervisior and willing to do some interesting research in collaboration with renowned bioinformaticians then please contact our administrator for more detail at info_at_bioinformaticsonline.com

Brief description: Virtual bioinformatics research laboratory for world class collaborative work.