Results for "Genetic and Biology"


  • Bioinformatics Business

    Bioinformatics Business

    Bioinformatics as a business, not to be confused with bi...s-disciplinary endeavor between computer science and molecular biology. But bioinformatics as a...proposition has different criteria for success, and it has received a lot of bad pres...

    3992 days ago

  • Genome Hackers

    Genome Hackers

    INTIMATE secrets hidden in your DNA could be stolen without you even realising. By taking a glass from biologist or bioinformatician you hack the entire genome to understand the god's written sophiticated genetic...

    3992 days ago

  • Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

    Next Generation Sequencing (NGS)

    This group meant to discuss different sequencing methods and their data analysis. Now, sequencing is almost...cientific fraternity pursue worldwide to comprehand the genomic complexity of all the organism and also used to reveal genetic...

    3946 days ago

  • Ruby and BioRuby

    Ruby and BioRuby

    Ruby is a dynamic, reflective, general-purpose objec...e features. It was also influenced by Eiffel and Lisp. Ruby was first designed and developed in the mid-1990s by...ment, database parsing, tools for structural biology, and other Bioinformatics. BioRuby is...

    3959 days ago

  • Genetic Modified (GM) Food/Organisms

    Genetic Modified (GM) Food/Organisms

    An organism that is generated through genetic engineering is considered to be a genetically modified organism (GMO). Th...ria were commercialized in 1982 and genetically modified food has bee...s created to keep an eye on GMO and discuss the pros and cons of....

    3958 days ago

  • Molecular Modelling and Drug Design

    Molecular Modelling and Drug Design

    This group is desing to inform, update and discuss the old or new bioinformatics/computational biology software.

    3913 days ago

  • Bioinformatics Skill Development Program (BSDP)

    Bioinformatics Skill Development Program (BSDP)

    Hey! Welcome to Bioinformatics Skill...informatics and computational biology workforce around the worl...pervision of Jitendra Narayan and colleagues to hone the bioinf...o research, the computational biology skill become an even greater...s focuses to hone the experts and users of these advanced technolog...

    3746 days ago

  • Metagenomics


    Metagenomics is the study of genetic material from environmental samples to characterize and identify the millions of microbes from these samples. Example:...: Tools: http://bioinformaticssoftwareandtool...

    3743 days ago

  • Biostatistics


    ... to a wide range of topics in biology. The science of biostatistics...dicine, pharmacy, agriculture and fishery; the collection, summarization, and analysis of data from those e...s, and statistically inclined geneticists helped bring together evolutionary biology andgenetics into a consistent, coherent...

    2569 days ago