Results for "journals"


  • List of genome announcement, notes and reporting journals

    Faced with an increasing number of articles describing DNA data and a need for more appropriate venues to present these data, some publishers and journals have responded by changing the structure and format of genome papers. Specifically, certain journals have started accepting very short manuscr...

    Tags: Genome, announcement, reporting, journals, genome reports, genome announcements, genome notes, genome letters

    2036 days ago

  • Important Journals, Blogs and Forums for Bioinformaticians

    Journals. Most journals have RSS feeds for their current updates. Bioinformatics - RSS feed of current and advance online publications Genome Research - current & advance Genome Biology - editors picks, latest, most viewed, most forwarded. (Hit the RSS icon under each tab). PLoS Genetic...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Journals, Blogs, Forums

    2670 days ago

  • List of GOI approved peer reviewed bioinformatics and computational biology journals

    Unfortunately, we now live in a world where the integrity of peer-reviewed journals is being threatened by the rise of the academic version of fake news – something many call “predatory publishing".  Mostly in academic publishing world, "predatory open access publishing" is an ex...

    Tags: Bioinformatics, Journals, Publication, Predatory, List, Valid, India, GOI, Approved, Editorial, Computational, Biology, Fake, Deceptive, New, Report

    2595 days ago