Results for "School"


  • How to Prepare your Bioinformatics CV ?

    ...and a very brief mention as to your college or schooling. If you are just commencin...can to demonstrate your practical skills e.g. school prefect, event organisation,...ur CV that you studied in a Scottish secondary school. Since the CV is only used as...

    3401 days ago

  • Bioinformatics PhDs - Cover Letter

    ...titutional pedigree.  There are many fine schools and departments that are con...acle especially if you're very interested in a school that you have reason to belie...inuous and not a discrete variable.  Even schools that emphasize teaching in t...

    3394 days ago

  • Bioinformatics PhD / PostDoc / Job Rejection

    While your PhD or PostDoc application, it is more common that you got rejected by many professors. Don't disappoint reply it calmly. In grad school, I shared a house with three B...

    3258 days ago

  • Various scholarships around the world !!

    ...Scholarships for MSc in UK, 2016-2017Scholarship Provider: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medic...olarships for Developing CountriesScholarship Provider: Geneva Law School and Graduate Institute o...

    2845 days ago