Results for "bga"


Wire posts

  • #Zero coverage regions ~/Tools/bedtools2/bin/bedtools genomecov -ibam PvsH_aln_sorted.bam -bga | awk '$4==0' > ZERO_coverage_regions.txt

    2171 days ago

  • #Intersect your bed data with coverage $ bedtools genomecov -ibam aln.bam -bga | awk '$4==0' | bedtools intersect -a cds.bed -b - -f 1.0

    2025 days ago


  • Genome Covered !

    zero=$(bedtools genomecov -ibam BAM -g hg38.fasta -bga | awk '$4==0 {bpCountZero+=($3-$2)} {print bpCountZero}' | tail -1) nonzero=$(bedtools genomecov -ibam BAM -g hg38.fasta -bga | awk '$4>0 {bpCountNonZero+=($3-$2)} {print bpCountNonZero}' | tail -1) percent=$(bc

    2237 days ago


  • BGAgenomicsDB: Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017 - A cyanobacterial organim

    We have developed a database system cyanobacterial organims called bgagenomicsDB. Cyanobacteria or some time called blue gree algee(BGA) is found in almost every teristorial .They have application in industrial product, health application, food technology etc.   One of the cyanobacterial or...

    Tags: cyanobacreria, bga, blue green algee, bgagenomics, bgagenomicsdb, Acaryochloris marina MBIC11017,

    3103 days ago