Results for "Lineage"


  • Understanding pango networks !

    In the vast majority of instances it is expected that Pango lineage names and designations will conform to the following rules. These rules also act as guidelines for the decisions made by the Lineage Designation Committee.

    Tags: pango, lineage, classification, notation, learn, explain, statements

    988 days ago

  • Pangolin tutorial !

    This is a tutorial for using the Pangolin Web Application. For information on using the command line tool, please visit the command line tool usage page.

    Tags: pangolin, lineage, tutorial, learn

    933 days ago

  • Pango Lineage Analysis !

    The Pango nomenclature is being used by researchers and public health agencies worldwide to track the transmission and spread of SARS-CoV-2, including variants of concern. This website documents all current Pango lineages and their spread, as well as various software tools which can be used by re...

    Tags: Pango, Lineage, Analysis, Output, Classification, SARS-CoV2

    958 days ago

  • Rules for Pango Lineage !

    All the rules to classify a Lineage !

    Tags: Lineage, Pango, Classification, Covid, SARS-CoV2

    929 days ago