Results for "Mate"


  • ALE: a Generic Assembly Likelihood Evaluation Framework for Assessing the Accuracy of Genome and Metagenome Assemblies

    ...of an assembly in a reference-independent manner using rigorous statistical methods. This framework is comprehensive, and integrates read quality, mate pair orientation and insert l...

    2982 days ago

  • WiseScaffolder

    ...omatic application for genome scaffolding of pre-assembled contigs using mate-pair data. It also produces e...configuration file that notably specifies the average insert size of the mate-pair library preprocess allow...

    2904 days ago

  • Bambus

    ...with great flexibility in choosing the scaffolding parameters. In particular, Bambus is able to accept contig linking data other than specified by mate-pairs. Such sources of inform...

    2870 days ago

  • Redundans

    ... assembled contigs, paired-end and/or mate pairs sequencing libraries& of genome fragments using paired-end and/or mate-pairs reads gap closing R..., 454 or Sanger) and library types (paired-end, mate pairs, fosmids) modular: eve...

    2854 days ago

  • OPERA : Optimal Paired-End Read Assembler It uses information from paired-end/mate-pair/long reads to order and...discordance of scaffolds with the information provided by the paired-end/mate-pair/long reads (for further...

    2846 days ago

  • valet

    ...number of properties that should hold true for a correct assembly (e.g., mate-pairs are aligned at the corr...iple assemblies of the same data-sets, VALET also reports an overall estimate of the likelihood a particula...

    2833 days ago

  • ART: Set of Simulation Tools

    ...sequencing data. ART can also simulate reads using user own read error model or quality profiles. ART supports simulation of single-end, paired-end/mate-pair reads of three major com...

    2791 days ago

  • BIMA V3: an aligner customized for mate pair library sequencing

    Summary: Mate pair library sequencing is an effective and econom...ities. Unfortunately, the mapping and alignment of mate pair read pairs to a referenc...han popular NGS alignment programs when processing mate pair sequencing. Availability...

    2749 days ago

  • pyScaf

    ...mblies utilising several types of information: paired-end (PE) and/or mate-pair libraries (NGS-based mod...the genome of closely related species in order to order contigs and estimate distances between adjacent co...

    2744 days ago

  • A Post-assembly genome-improvement toolkit (PAGIT) to obtain annotated genomes from contigs

    ...uate contigs from a de novo assembly against a closely related reference. IMAGE, an iterative approach for closing gaps in assembled genomes using mate pair information. It is able...

    2601 days ago