Results for "ovarian breast cancer"


  • Precision Medicine

    Coupling established clinical–pathological indexes...genes found in chronic myelogenous leukemia. The breast cancer drug trastuzumab (Herceptin)

    3934 days ago

  • Introduction of Epigenomics

    What is the epigenome? What does the epigenome do? What makes up the epigenome? Is the epigenome inherited? What is imprinting? Can the epigenome change? What makes the epigenome change? How do changes in the epigenome contribute to cancer? How are researchers exploring the epigenome?

    3891 days ago

  • InfoGenomeR: Integrative reconstruction of cancer genome karyotypes

    InfoGenomeR is the Integrative Framework for Genome Recons...ts at the genome-wide scale. InfoGenomeR integrates cancer purity and ploidy, total CNAs...identify the optimal breakpoint graph representing cancer genomes. More at http...

    1124 days ago


    The accurate description and annotation of structural variants can be complex.  ...omenclature recommendations [].

    2800 days ago

  • GeneBreak: a tool to systematically identify genes recurrently affected by the genomic location of chromosomal CNA-associated breaks by a genome-wide approach

    Development of cancer is driven by somatic alterations, including numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations. Currently, several computational methods are available and...

    2181 days ago

  • Ribbon !!

    Visualization has played an extremely important role in t...xample, here we show a gene fusion in the SK-BR-3 breast cancer cell line linking the genes C...two genes (Figure 1a). More gene fusions of this cancer cell line are investigated in...

    2780 days ago

  • Graph Genome Suite

    Seven Bridges is the biomedical data analysis company accelerating breakthroughs in genomics research for cancer, drug development and precisi...

    2773 days ago

  • EXCAVATOR2tool

    EXCAVATOR2 is a collection of bash, R and Fortran scripts and codes that analyses Who...ification of CNVs in small as well as large-scale re-sequencing population and cancer studies. Lastly, it’s o...

    2740 days ago

  • MafTools

    maftools - An R package to summarize, analyz...iles. Introduction. With advances in Cancer Genomics, Mutation Annotation...used to store variants detected. The Cancer Genome Atlas Project has seqe...F files from large-scale cohort based cancer studies. bioRxiv, 2016. doi:...

    2662 days ago

  • SeqMule: Automated human exome/genome variants detection

    SeqMule takes single-end or paird-end FASTQ or BAM files, generates a script consisti...ownloading databases. SeqMule can be used for both Mendelian disease study and cancer genome study.

    2643 days ago