Results for "Map Autom Service"


  • Maq: Mapping and Assembly with Quality

    Maq stands for Mapping and Assembly with Quality It builds assembly by mapping short reads to reference sequences. Maq Maq is previously known as mapas...Simulate diploid reference and read sequences, map rea...

    2773 days ago

  • ScaffMatch

    caffMatch is a novel scaffolding tool based on Maximum-Weight Matching able to produce wrapper that calls aligner in case one needs to first map files are stored. These are .sam files produced after mapping...

    2752 days ago

  • Many-Core Engine (MCE) for Perl example

    MCE spawns a pool of workers and therefore does not fork a new process p...rder. MCE::Mutex Provides a simple semaphore implementation supporting...k_size and max_workers) are configured automatically as well as spawning a...lar to the native grep function. MCE::Map Pr...

    2703 days ago

  • Mercator

    Our basic strategy in building homology maps is to use exons that are orthologous in multiple genomes as map "anchors." Given K genomes, the steps in the map c...liques are potential anchors to be used in the map. S...

    2697 days ago

  • Strand Life Sciences announces the release of Strand NGS v3.1 at ASHG 2017

    Strand Life Sciences announces the release of Strand NGS v3.1 at ASHG 2017 ORLANDO, batch effects; the t-SNE plot; profile and heat-map p...w more about Strand NGS v3.1 and other products and service offerings from Strand Life Sc...

    2438 days ago

  • Mapping NGS

    NGS data are just a bunch of sequences, you have no idea which region in the genome each sequences comes fr...her way, aligning your sequence reads to the reference sequence is called mapping. The most used mappers...

    2612 days ago

  • CAR: Reconstructing Contiguous Regions of an Ancestral Genome

    We describe a new method for predicting the ancestral order and orientation of those int...h data from chromosome painting experiments to produce a map o...ome sequence data. The precision is further increased by mapping...

    2596 days ago

  • Genome Annotation Transfer Utility (GATU)

    Genome Annotation Transfer Utility (GATU) was designed to facilitate quick, efficient...avirus is sequenced, it is possible, using GATU, to automatically annotate the new stra...e program utilizes tBLASTn and BLASTn algorithms to map gen...

    2585 days ago

  • Genetic-mapper: SVG Genetic Map Drawer

    Genetic-mapper is a perl script able to draw publication-ready vectorial genetic maps. Perl script for creating a publication-ready vectorial genetic/linkage map i...provided. Any extra parameter will be ignored. map.tsv...

    2565 days ago

  • eQuant : energy-based quality assessment of protein

    Protein structures are of varying quality. Especially, in-silico modeled s...usefulness and reliability of these particular protein structures.eQuant is a service for structure quality assessm...

    2558 days ago