Results for "Genome Project"


  • Sybil

    ...arily web-based front-end to comparative genome datasets warehoused in a chad...r Institute (JCVI) and the Institute for Genome Sciences (IGS) at the Univers...ege Park to support a number of research projects that involve comparative genome analysis. The following sectio...

    2830 days ago

  • GAGE : Genome Assembly Gold-standard Evaluation

    GAGE is an evaluation of the very latest large-scale genome assembly algorithms. We have organized this " attempt to produce a realistic assessment of genome assembly software in a rapidl...of GAGE have now been published in the journal Genome...

    2830 days ago

  • CGView - Circular Genome Viewer

    GView is a Java package used to display and navigate bacterial genomes. GView is useful for producing high-quality genome maps for use in publications.... Users can interact with the genome using a powerful pan-and-zoom...e-write of CGView, a circular genome viewer written by Paul Stotha...

    2818 days ago

  • BLAST Ring Image Generator (BRIG) comparisons between a large number of genomes, with a focus on handling genome assembly data. The available at: If you have any coverage can be displayed for draft genomes; customized graphs and annota...

    2807 days ago

  • Murasaki

    Murasaki is an anchor alignment program that is exteremely fast (17 CPU hours for whole Human x Mouse genome...

    2807 days ago

  • Nemo – A stochastic, individual-base, genetically explicit simulation platform

    A recombination map has been added for all multi-locus traits. The map positions (chromosomal) for ne...ple haploid or diploid pairs of incompatible loci can be spread throughout the genome...

    2806 days ago


    The accurate description and annotation of structural variants can be complex.  This is due to the different r...r positions. Furthermore, multiple rearrangements in a single area of the genome...

    2806 days ago

  • GeneBreak: a tool to systematically identify genes recurrently affected by the genomic location of chromosomal CNA-associated breaks by a genome-wide approach

    ...tions (CNAs) of chromosomal segments in tumor genomes. However, there is lack of c...ion of chromosomal CNA-associated breaks by a genome-wide approach, which can be a...‘GeneBreak’, is implemented in R ( and is available from Bi...

    2187 days ago

  • MIRO : miRNA omics

    The MIRO (the miRNA omics) pipeline is a flexible and powerful tool for the analysis of...lexa-reads, map them flexibly to several reference genomes using one of four different...ut is furthermore compatible with software such as genome...

    2803 days ago


    Metagenomics sequencing projects collect samples of DNA from uncharacte...main challenges in analyzing a metagenome is phylogenetic classificatio...ation is a useful prerequisite for genome assembly and for analysi...inaccurate, requiring metagenomics projects to use older, long-read tech...

    2797 days ago