Results for "AP"


  • TGNet

    ...ovo genome assemblies Citation This software is fully described in the paper:Riba-Grognuz, Keller, Falqu...essment of de novo genome assemblies. In brief, our scripts create Cytoscape files to visualize transcrip...

    2869 days ago

  • GeneValidator - Identify problems with predicted genes

    ...nd researchers who need accurate gene predictions. If you would like to use GeneValidator on a few sequences, see our online GeneValidator Web App -http://genevalidator.s...

    2867 days ago

  • Gene Finding and Predictions

    In this exercise, a previously annotated gene will be used to measure the accuracy of different gene finding approaches. GRAIL, GENSCAN, geneid, FGENESH, GenomeScan, GrailEXP a...

    2867 days ago

  • Redundans

    ...input contigs. In addition, Redundans will automatically close the gaps resulting from genome a...g: joining of genome fragments using paired-end and/or mate-pairs reads gap closing Redundans is: f...

    2861 days ago

  • R-chie

    R-chie allows you to make arc diagrams of RNA secondary structures, allowing for easy comparison and overlap of two structures, rank and display basepairs in colour and to also...

    2861 days ago

  • CIRCOS Visualize !!

    ...must be space-separated (one or more tab or space, which will be collapsed). No two rows or are using order, size and color rows/columns in combination they must appear in that order. Need he...

    2860 days ago

  • NGS Tutorial

    ...dreds of scientists had to raise funds together by writing a joint white-paper and petitioning to various...facilities, of which only a few existed around the globe. Naturally, the capacities at those sequencing fa...

    2857 days ago

  • Artemis Comparison Tool (ACT)

    ACT is a Java application for displaying pairwise comparisons between two or more DNA sequences. It can be used to identify and analyse regions of similarity and difference...

    2855 days ago

  • GAGE : Genome Assembly Gold-standard Evaluation

    ...cale genome assembly algorithms. We have organized this "bake-off" as an attempt to produce a realistic assessment of genome assembly software in a rapidly changing field of next-ge...

    2855 days ago

  • OPERA : Optimal Paired-End Read Assembler

    ...benchmarks, it has significantly improved corrected N50 and reduced the number of scaffolding errors. Furthermore, our latest release contains the wrapper script OPERA-long-read tha...

    2853 days ago