Results for "N"


  • PhyloGrapher - Graph Visualization Tool

    PhyloGrapher is a program designed to visualize and study evolutionary relationships within families of homologous genes or proteins (elements).Phyl...erates custom graphs for a given set of elements. In general, it is possible...

    3089 days ago

  • PAired-eND Assembler for DNA sequences

    PANDASEQ is a program to align Illumina reads, optionally with PCR primers embedded in the sequence, and reconstruct an overlapping sequence.   More at

    3090 days ago

  • Sequence assembly with MIRA 4

    MIRA is a multi-pass DNA sequence data assembler/mapper for whole genome and EST/RNASeq projects. MIRA assembles/maps reads gained by electrophoresis s...LX or Titanium) Ion Torrent Solexa (Illumina), without me actually putting too much manual work into it...

    3089 days ago

  • RACA: Reference-Assisted Chromosome Assembly

    Rreference-Assisted Chromosome Assembly (RACA), an algorithm to reliably order and orient sequence scaffolds generated by NGS and assemblers into longer chromosomal

    3089 days ago

  • PEAR: a fast and accurate Illumina Paired-End reAd mergeR

    PEAR is an ultrafast, memory-efficient and highly accurate pair-end read merger. It is fully parallelized an...ory. PEAR evaluates all possible paired-end read overlaps and without re.... Together with a highly optimized implementation, it can merge millions...

    3089 days ago

  • QUAST: quality assessment tool for genome assemblies

    QUAST evaluates genome assemblies. For metagenomes, please see MetaQUAST project.It can works both with and without a given reference genome.The tool accepts multiple...u/quast

    3089 days ago

  • REAPR: a universal tool for genome assembly evaluation

    ...l that evaluates the accuracy of a genome assembly using mapped paired end reads, without the use of a reference genome for comparison. It c...matically break incorrect scaffolds and flag other errors in an asse...paired reads mapped to the assembly in a BAM file. Mapping informati...

    3089 days ago


    SCALCE (/skeɪlz/, a.k.a. boosting Sequence Compression Algorithms using Locally ConsistentEncoding) is a tool for compressing FASTQ files. It is designed specifically for the Illumi...

    3081 days ago

  • Understanding Fastqc Output

    Understanding Following table and graphs Duplication level kmer profile per base GC content per base N content per base quality per base sequence content per sequence GC content per

    3081 days ago

  • Trimmomatic: A flexible read trimming tool for Illumina NGS data

    Paired End: java -jar trimmomatic-0.35.jar PE -phred33 input_forward.fq.gz input_reverse.fq.gz output_forward_paired.f...put_reverse_paired.fq.gz output_reverse_unpaired.fq.gz ILLUMINACLIP:TruS...the following: Remove adapters (ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10)...

    3081 days ago