Results for "No"


  • Genome STRiP

    ...f tools for discovering and genotyping structural variations u...a from multiple individuals.Genome STRiP looks both across and...eads. A minimum of 20 to 30 genomes are required to get accept...he background population does not need to be matched to the ta...

    2857 days ago

  • A5-miseq

    ...rough the steps necessary for running _A5-miseq_. Point to note: There are many situations where A5-miseq is not the right tool for the job....60nt. A5-miseq assumes it is assembling homozygous haploid genomes. Use a different assembler...

    2876 days ago

  • VAGUE:Velvet Assembler Graphical Front End

    VAGUE is a vague acronym for "Velvet Assembler Graphical Front End", which means it is a GUI for the Velvet de novo assembler. The command line version of Velvet can be complicated...

    2686 days ago

  • CrossMap a program for convenient conversion of genome coordinates (or annotation files) between dif...TF, VCF. CrossMap is designed to liftover genome coordinates between assembl...t recommend using CrossMap to convert genome coordinates between species...

    2858 days ago

  • Bambus

    ...lar, Bambus is able to accept contig linking data other than specified by mate-pairs. Such sources of information include alignment to a reference genome (Bambus can directly use th...

    2878 days ago

  • KisSplice

    ...alyse RNA-seq data with or without a reference genome. It is an exact local trans...tion is around 5Gb for 100M reads. KisSplice is not a full-length transcriptome...output the variable regions of the transcripts, not reconstruct them entirely....

    2878 days ago

  • valet

    VALET is a pipeline for performing de novo validation of metagenomic assemblies. VALET checks a number of properties that should hold true for a correct assembly (e.g., mate-pairs ar...

    2841 days ago

  • OrganellarGenomeDRAW

    OrganellarGenomeDRAW is dedicated to convert genetic information stored in GenBan...or the creation of high-quality, detailed circular maps of organellar genomes like the plastid genome (plastome) or the mitochond...

    2878 days ago

  • RepeatModeler

    RepeatModeler is a de-novo repeat family identification and modeling package. At the heart of RepeatModeler are two de-novo repeat finding programs ( R...ating the runs of RECON and RepeatScout given a genomic database and uses the outp...

    2876 days ago

  • TEannot

    We advise to run first the TEdenovo pipeline but it is not compulsory. We suppose you begin by running the TEannot pipeline on the example provided in the directory "db/" rather than directly on your own genomic sequences. Thus, from now on, the project name is "DmelChr4".  

    2876 days ago