Results for "TE"


  • Stand-alone programs for Bioinformatician

    ...pplications see: View the file 'FOOTER' to see the usage statement for each of the applicati...

    2948 days ago

  • BioGPS

    A free extensible and customizable gene annotation portal, a complete resource for learning about gene and protein function.

    2947 days ago

  • ClueGO

    ClueGO is a Cytoscape plug-in that visualizes the non-redundant biological terms for large clusters of genes in a functionally grouped network and it can be used in combination with GOlorize.

    2937 days ago

  • BioDBnet

    ...options to the ones specific for the input selected. Then select one or more out...ifiers in the ID list box. Set the remove duplicate values to 'No' if you do on the number of outputs and the options selected. Conversions to a single out...

    2937 days ago

  • HistoneDB 2.0 – with variants

    ...n be used to explore the diversity of histone proteins and their sequence variant...ny organisms. The resource was established to better understand how sequence vari...d structural features of nucleosomes. To get started, select a histone type to ex...

    2936 days ago

  • methylKit

    ...e for DNA methylation analysis and annotation from high-throughput bisulfite sequencing. The package is de...obtained from Tab-seq or oxBS-seq. It can also handle whole-genome bisulfite sequencing data if proper inp...

    2936 days ago

  • Blobology

    ...aking blobplots or Taxon-Annotated-GC-Coverage plots (TAGC plots) to visualise the contents of genome assembly data sets as a QC step Blaxter Lab, Institute of Evolutiona...AGC plots) to visualise the contents of genome assembly data se...ael Clarke, Mark Blaxter(submitted 2013-10-01 to Frontiers...

    2926 days ago


    ...embly analysis framework composed a number of integrated modules. These modules can b...format, allowing a single input format to be entered into GAEMR’s analysi...quenced, and how much of that genome is represented by those pieces. By performi...

    2925 days ago

  • Blobsplorer

    Blobsplorer is a tool for interactive visualization of assembled DNA sequence data ("contigs") derived from (often unintentionally) mixed-speci...ols. It allows the simultaneous display of GC content, coverage, and taxonomic an...

    2925 days ago

  • LoRMA: a tool for correcting sequencing errors in long reads such those produced by Pacific Biosciences sequencing machines

    .... Publication: L. Salmela, R. Walve, E. Rivals, and E. Ukkonen: Accurate selfcorrection of errors in long reads using de Bruijn graphs. Accepted to RECOMB-Seq 2016. Downl...

    2209 days ago